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Projects - Languages: interpretation

ICVolunteers recruits and coordinates volunteer interpreters. They are professionals, as well as student interpreters and multilingual individuals. ICVolunteers offers both simultaneous and consecutive volunteer interpretation. See also section on languages: translation.

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MigraLingua: accompaniment of migrants

MigraLingua: accompaniment of migrants

MigraLingua is a programme which aims to accompany migrants who have arrived in a country where they do not master the local language. More...
8th European University on Volunteering

8th European University on Volunteering

05 - 08 October 2016, Strasbourg, France
Following successful Assemblies in Spain, France, Switzerland, Germany and The Netherlands that were established more than 20 years ago, the European University of Volunteering is coming to Strasbourg (Alsace), where it will convene its 8th Convention from 5th to 8th October, 2016. More...
Roundtable on Albinism

Roundtable on Albinism

13 June 2016, Geneva, Switzerland
In its resolution 69/170 of 18 December 2014 the UN General Assembly dedicated June 13th of each year 'International Awareness Day about Albinism'. More...
Click to Download albinisme.pdf (2.3M)
SGIS Annual Conference: What are you trying to say?

SGIS Annual Conference: What are you trying to say?

20 - 21 March 2015, Geneva, Switzerland
The SGIS Annual Conference 2015 titled: “What are you trying to say?” Language, communications and technology in the 21st century learning environment will be bringing together the members of The Swiss Group of International Schools (SGIS). More...
MigraLingua – Training modules for community interpreters

MigraLingua – Training modules for community interpreters

26 November 2014 - 09 January 2015, Geneva, Switzerland
In the framework of the MigraLingua program (linguistic accompaniment of Non-french speaking migrants, ICVolunteers is looking for Community interpreters to participate to its training modules. More...
Découvrir la Psychologie Positive

Découvrir la Psychologie Positive

13 - 14 November 2014, Geneva, Switzerland
The conference "Découvrir la Psychologie Positive" was held from November 13th to November 14th, 2014 at the hotel N'vY Manotel in Geneva. More...
Click to Download crespo.pdf (1.8M)
International Expert Meeting on Improving Access to Multilingual Cyberspace

International Expert Meeting on Improving Access to Multilingual Cyberspace

28 - 29 October 2014, Paris, France
This two-day event will bring together more than 50 leading experts from 26 countries representing all of UNESCO’s regions to discuss trends, challenges and opportunities for linguistic diversity in cyberspace. More...
World Investment Forum 2014 – UNCTAD

World Investment Forum 2014 – UNCTAD

13 - 16 October 2014, Geneva, Switzerland
The World Investment Forum is an event designed to facilitate dialogue and action on the world’s key emerging investment-related challenges. More...
Syrian Refugee Crisis on Jordanian Host Communities

Syrian Refugee Crisis on Jordanian Host Communities

16 April 2014, Geneva, Switzerland
Evaluating the Impact of the Syrian Refugee Crisis on Jordanian Host Communities. More...
Challenges and lessons learnt in combating contemporary forms of slavery

Challenges and lessons learnt in combating contemporary forms of slavery

13 - 23 September 2013, Geneva, Switzerland
The UN Voluntary Fund on Contemporary Forms of Slavery (UNVFCFS) was established in 1991 by General Assembly resolution 46/122 to provide humanitarian, legal and financial aid to individuals whose human rights have been severely violated as a result of contemporary forms of slavery, and their relatives who have been directly affected by the victim’s suffering. More...
EMDR European Conference

EMDR European Conference

06 - 08 June 2013, Geneva, Switzerland
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is an innovative clinical treatment, which has successfully helped over one million people who have experienced psychological difficulties. More...

Montessori Model United Nations

05 - 08 June 2013
The Montessori Model United Nations (“MMUN”) is a not for profit organization that supports the work of the United Nations through the introduction of a Peace Curriculum into schools and the conducting of student-led conferences that address the issues then currently before the United Nations. More...
Info Session

Info Session

07 May 2013, Switzerland
You have free time and you are willing to get involved locally and internationally? ICV offers a wide range of volunteering activities in a variety of areas. More...
Cleantech, Job Engine: Myth or Reality?

Cleantech, Job Engine: Myth or Reality?

11 December 2012, Geneva, Switzerland
In a world where questions related to the environment are increasingly relevant, numerous green jobs are necessary. More...
Click to Download cleantech_prg.pdf (664.1K)
Philanthropy Forum

Philanthropy Forum

22 September 2012, Switzerland
StiftungsZentrum. More...

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