The objectives of VoLTerre II are to raise awareness amongst the young and, through a domino effect, the not-so-young to environmental issues and the sustainable development thematic through their concrete contribution to the Green Map® Program (GSM), a concept introduced in Switzerland by the Earth Focus Foundation.
Green Map® Green Map is a public initiative which, thanks to various universal icons placed on maps, indicates and names nature sites, ecological initiatives, alternative transport systems, etc. Furthermore, this system facilitates the localisation and search of practical information on sustainable development and gives them a world-wide visibility via the internet network. These maps, created by people all over the world, are federated on the world-wide site In addition, anyone can contribute information to further complete these maps.
Surfing on the wave of ICTs and benefiting from the recent general acknowledgement of the stakes of sustainable development, ICVolunteers has pledged to contribute to the promotion of places worthy (or unworthy) of being listed in the GMS. This is about raising awareness on environmental issues, namely by involving young people in an educational approach. For instance, this can be accomplished by reporting polluted locations to influence its future, or, from a more positive perspective, to make a location or an eco-cultural initiative that is worthy to be discovered more visible and accessible to as many people as possible (natural reserves, green spaces, look-out points, etc...).
Therefore, through this partnership, ICVolunteers contributes towards encouraging eco-cultural initiatives with the aim of conveying a simple message: the Earth is worth it!Volunteering Opportunities
Volunteers, trained to use the Green Map system, will supervise participants when they go out to a location and supervise a small group to give precise indications to the relevant sites. They might also be asked to help participants take notes and pictures for the documenting of articles.
Posted: 2007-4-04 Updated: 2007-11-03
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Updated: 2019-01-28 10:52 GMT|
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