
ICVolunteers in France

In France, the ICVolunteers' network is represented by ICVolontaires-France, a non-profit organization founded on the basis of the law of associations of 1901. Founded in 2005, it is based in Ferney-Voltaire, in the region of Rhône-Alpes. Read more...

We found thirty-seven matches.

Languages and Migration: exchange and methodology workshop

Languages and Migration: exchange and methodology workshop

19 September 2007, Geneva, Switzerland
The objective of the round table is to facilitate exchange between the ICV offices that are working on the Migration and Language Project. More...
Speak to better integrate

Speak to better integrate

30 November -1, Spain, France, Switzerland, South Afirca
For ICVolunteers, the pursuit of languages and linguistic diversity, as well as communications and interpretation, is a historical vocation. More...

Social Missions Seminar

Handicap International
27 June - 05 July 2007, Valencia, France
The International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is now open for signature and ratification. More...


10 April 2007
As part of the CyberVolunteers Program, ICVolunteers has launched several initiatives linking the use of information and communication technologies (ICT), education and training. More...
"Speak to me, speak here!"

"Speak to me, speak here!"

Linguistic support for helping integration of migrants in Barcelona
30 November -1, Barcelona, Spain
Like some of its neighbours in the South-West of Europe, Spain evolved from being a country of emigration to a country of immigration at the end of the Nineties. More...
Inauguration of the new offices of ICV-France

Inauguration of the new offices of ICV-France

02 April 2007, Ferney-Voltaire, France
The years go by and it is already 10 years ago that the first foundations of ICVolunteers were laid with the preparations of the 12th World AIDS Conference volunteer program in Geneva. More...
Strategies for prosthetics & orthotics education and training in Europe

Strategies for prosthetics & orthotics education and training in Europe

28 - 31 March 2007, Valencia, France
We participated on the behalf of Handicap International to interpret for a Romanian participant, Paul Ciobanel, who is the director of the only school of prosthetics and orthotics in Romania. More...
Multilinguisme dans le cyberespace

Multilinguisme dans le cyberespace

22 February 2007, Paris, France
Dans le cadre de la Journée Internationale de la Langue Maternelle (21 février), le Language Observatory Project (LOP) du Japon, en partenariat avec le Réseau Mondial pour la Diversité Linguistique, Maaya, et avec le soutien de l'UNESCO, organise un séminaire sur les récentes recherches réalisées afin de mesurer la présence de certaines langues dans le monde de l'Internet. More...
Volunteer Internship for IT Specialists

Volunteer Internship for IT Specialists

11 January 2006 - 11 January 2007, Geneva / Prévessin, Switzerland
We are looking for volunteers with computer skills and ideally knowledge of Linux. More...
Volunteering without Borders

Volunteering without Borders

03 April - 22 December 2006, Barcelona, Spain
The European Voluntary Service (EVS) allows young people to volunteer in another country then their country of residence for the period of 6 months to a year. More...
Volunteering without Borders

Volunteering without Borders

03 April - 22 December 2006, Barcelona, Spain
The European Voluntary Service (EVS) allows young people to volunteer in another country then their country of residence for the period of 6 months to a year. More...

Handicap International: Diabetes Competence

21 - 23 November 2006, Lyon, France
Getting a child, a woman or a man back on his or her feet, in a difficult environment made even crueller by poverty, migration or famine, is simply giving this person the means to survive on his or her own. More...
Forum of Associations

Forum of Associations

10 September 2006, Ferney-Voltaire, France
Do you live in the Ferney or Gex area? Are you interested in the local activities in your region? Then you should not miss the Forum des Associations held in Ferney-Voltaire on Sunday 10 September!. More...
ATD Fourth World Campus

ATD Fourth World Campus

28 August - 01 September 2006, Méry-sur-Oise (near Paris), France
"Campus", rendez-vous annuel organisé par ATD Quart Monde, est l'occasion pour des chercheurs et personnes engagées dans la lutte contre la précarité, la pauvreté et l'exclusion. More...
Africa@home: Volunteer Computing for Africa

Africa@home: Volunteer Computing for Africa

While you are sending an email or surfing the web, your computer could be helping to tackle one of Africa's greatest humanitarian challenges, malaria. More...

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