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ICVolunteers in France

In France, the ICVolunteers' network is represented by ICVolontaires-France, a non-profit organization founded on the basis of the law of associations of 1901. Founded in 2005, it is based in Ferney-Voltaire, in the region of Rhône-Alpes. Read more...

We found thirty-seven matches.

8th European University on Volunteering

8th European University on Volunteering

05 - 08 October 2016, Strasbourg, France
Following successful Assemblies in Spain, France, Switzerland, Germany and The Netherlands that were established more than 20 years ago, the European University of Volunteering is coming to Strasbourg (Alsace), where it will convene its 8th Convention from 5th to 8th October, 2016. More...
International Expert Meeting on Improving Access to Multilingual Cyberspace

International Expert Meeting on Improving Access to Multilingual Cyberspace

28 - 29 October 2014, Paris, France
This two-day event will bring together more than 50 leading experts from 26 countries representing all of UNESCO’s regions to discuss trends, challenges and opportunities for linguistic diversity in cyberspace. More...
Exposition GreenVoice

Exposition GreenVoice

Centre d'animation Maurice Ravel
02 September - 10 October 2013, Paris, France
"Regards croisés : environnement, citoyenneté, volontariat". More...
Knowledge Volunteers Project

Knowledge Volunteers Project

The Knowledge Volunteers Project, aims to create a network of “Knowledge Volunteers” of all ages who can share their experiences and skills, thus contributing to the development of an inclusive knowledge society. More...
Click to Download tkv_flyer_en.pdf (105.3K)
III International Symposium on Multilingualism in Cyberspace (SIMC)

III International Symposium on Multilingualism in Cyberspace (SIMC)

21 - 23 November 2012, Paris, France
Outline As emphasized repeatedly in Net. More...
Click to Download simc_2012_en.pdf (359.3K)


‘GreenVoice’ aims to raise environmental awareness and promoting protection. More...
Click to Download greenvoice_en.pdf (77.5K)
Rock for Haïti

Rock for Haïti

20 February 2010, Ferney Voltaire, France
Le Musiclub du CERN se mobilise et organise un concert caritatif pour les victimes du tremblement de terre en Haïti. More...
Fair: Humanitarian & Solidarity Professions

Fair: Humanitarian & Solidarity Professions

28 - 30 November 2008, Annemasse, France
On 28-30th of November 2008, Annemasse will host the First Fair on Humanitarian and Solidarity Professions ever organised in France. More...
Click to Download metiers_hum08.pdf (1.3M)
ICV-France: join the team

ICV-France: join the team

ICVolunteers-France is looking for a volunteer and/or intern for its coordination team
01 August - 20 September 2008, Ferney-Voltaire, France
Currently at the beginning stages of its activities, the newly-established ICVolunteers-France is looking to reinforce its team. More...
Forum of Associations

Forum of Associations

07 September 2008, Ferney-Voltaire, France
Do you live in the Ferney or Gex area? Are you interested in the local activities in your region? Then you should not miss the Forum des Associations held in Ferney-Voltaire on Sunday 7 September!. More...
MigraLingua: accompaniment of migrants

MigraLingua: accompaniment of migrants

MigraLingua is a programme which aims to accompany migrants who have arrived in a country where they do not master the local language. More...
Handicap International: Diabetes Competence

Handicap International: Diabetes Competence

16 - 18 April 2008, Lyon, France
Managing the programmes that Handicap International is developing on diabetes in 8 countries necessitates the organisation of regular workshops, bringing together both internal (local and/or expatriate personnel) and external participants (partner networks, consultants. More...
CERN: Journée portes ouvertes 2008

CERN: Journée portes ouvertes 2008

06 April 2008, Genève, Switzerland
Le LHC, plus grand accélérateur de particules du monde est à 100 mètres sous vos pieds. More...
First European Fair Trade Fair

First European Fair Trade Fair

01 - 03 February 2008, Lyon, Villeurbanne, France
The first ever European Fair Trade is an initiative lead by Equi'Sol and partners which aims at helping Fair Trade supply chains and promote Fair Trade at the European level. More...
Intellectual Property Watch

Intellectual Property Watch

Translations for IP Watch
10 October - 20 December 2007, France
IP Watch is a non-profit news service based in Geneva, that reports on the interests and behind-the-scenes dynamics that influence the design and implementation of international intellectual property policies. More...

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