We found many matches (>three hundred three!). You might try limiting your search more, or using the search engine. March of Hope08 October 2000, Geneva, Switzerland Terre des Hommes Switzerland is an organization of cooperation and development that supports about 60 projects in favor of children in Africa, America and Asia. More... Executive Council of Defense for Children International20 - 21 September 2000, Geneva, Switzerland Defence for Children International (DCI) is an independent, non-governmental organization set up in 1979, the International Year of the Child, to promote and protect the rights of the child. More... The Next Step in Social Development (Geneva 2000)22 - 30 June 2000, Geneva, Switzerland For only the second time in its history, the United Nations General Assembly met in Special Session outside its headquarters in New York. More... HIV/AIDS Treatment Access Roundtable19 - 20 June 2000, Geneva, Switzerland A roundtable on comprehensive HIV/AIDS access to care and treatment in Africa was convened this week to help bring to life the UN-Pharmaceutical initiative announced May 11th. More... Swiss Student Pugwash Conference07 - 09 April 2000, Geneva, Switzerland This will be the first National Swiss Student Pugwash Conference held in Switzerland. More... Journées médico-sociales romandes06 - 07 April 2000, Geneva, Switzerland Association des Journées medico-sociales romandes, whose President is Professor Hans Stalder of the Geneva Hospital. More... Second Forum of the World Alliance of Cities Against Poverty (WACAP)03 - 05 April 2000, Geneva, Switzerland The aim is to increase the effectiveness of the fight against poverty by enhancing co-operation between city, State and civic society. More... World AIDS Day01 December 1999, Geneva, Switzerland The "Association du 1er Décembre Lémanique" was created in 1997 as a non-profit making organization. More... MADEP / ACP14 - 21 November 1999, Jura, Switzerland The Apostolic Movement of Children and Preadolescents is a movement of children, youngsters and philanthropists. More... Solidarity Dinner Casa Alianza06 November 1999, Geneva, Switzerland An estimated 100 million children live and work on the streets in the developing world; 40 million in Latin America. More... March of Hope10 October 1999, Geneva, Switzerland In Switzerland, Terre des Hommes encourages solidarity by organizing the March of Hope. More... Executive Council Defense of Children International01 - 05 October 1999, Geneva, Switzerland Defence for Children International (DCI) is an independent, non-governmental organisation set up in 1979, the International Year of the Child, to promote and protect the rights of the child. More... International Day of Older Persons02 October 1999, Geneva, Switzerland Geneva, with dance and music, a questions and answers session, multicultural food stands, the WHO Global Walk event symbolizing a voyage around the World, as well as storytelling and readings and exhibitions. More... Signé 200030 December 1999 - 01 January 2000, Ginebra, Switzerland Le 31 décembre 1999 à minuit, nous vivrons le passage à l'an 2000. More... Global March against Child Labor22 - 30 May 1999, Geneva, Switzerland In June 1998, the Global March against Child Labor took place in Geneva, during the UN Conference on the Convention of the worst forms of Child Labor. More... Result page: « Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Next » |