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ICVolunteers in Switzerland

ICVolunteers-Switzerland is the Swiss branch of ICVolunteers. Historically, the Swiss office is the cradle of the whole organization. It started in 1997 when Viola Krebs recruited the first volunteers for the 12th World AIDS Conference. Following this success, "International Conference Volunteers (ICV)" was founded in Geneva in 1999 to provide a permanent structure for our work. ICVolunteers-Switzerland recruits, trains and coordinates volunteers for non-profit conferences, events and projects. We also offer competent organizational and management services to events and projects. Read more...

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7th Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction

7th Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction

13 - 17 May 2019, Geneva, Switzerland
The Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction is a biennial multi-stakeholder forum established by the UN General Assembly to review progress, share knowledge and discuss the latest developments and trends in reducing disaster risk. More...
Third Conference of the World Banana Forum

Third Conference of the World Banana Forum

08 - 09 November 2017, Geneva, Switzerland
The World Banana Forum (WBF) is a space where the main stakeholders of the global banana supply-chain work together to achieve consensus on best practices for sustainable production and trade. More...
Roundtable on Albinism

Roundtable on Albinism

13 June 2016, Geneva, Switzerland
In its resolution 69/170 of 18 December 2014 the UN General Assembly dedicated June 13th of each year 'International Awareness Day about Albinism'. More...
Click to Download albinisme.pdf (2.3M)
Floral art workshop

Floral art workshop

23 March 2016, Geneva, Switzerland
The Arcade ICV organized its first floral art workshop on 23rd of March 2016, with the theme "Easter and its flowers. More...
UNISDR Technology Conference

UNISDR Technology Conference

27 - 29 January 2016, Geneva, Switzerland
The conference brought together the full diversity of the science and technology community, policy makers, practitioners and researchers from all geographical regions, at local, national, regional and international levels to discuss how the science and technology community will best support the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030. More...
Alternatiba Leman

Alternatiba Leman

18 - 20 September 2015, Geneva, Switzerland
More than 80 towns are preparing for ALTERNATIBA in Europe this year to mobilize citizens on the question of climate change and to put pressure on decision-makers at the COP21 climate conference to be held in Paris in early December. More...
SGIS Annual Conference: What are you trying to say?

SGIS Annual Conference: What are you trying to say?

20 - 21 March 2015, Geneva, Switzerland
The SGIS Annual Conference 2015 titled: “What are you trying to say?” Language, communications and technology in the 21st century learning environment will be bringing together the members of The Swiss Group of International Schools (SGIS). More...
Poetry Recital - Celebrating Diversity

Poetry Recital - Celebrating Diversity

18 March 2015, Geneva, Switzerland
The literary recital will launch the ICV's photography contest "a world of diversity" to highlight and maintain the differences of those around us. More...
Conference on Terrorism and Human Rights

Conference on Terrorism and Human Rights

16 - 17 February 2015, Geneva, Switzerland
The Global Network for Rights and Development (GNRD) organized an International Conference on Terrorism and Human Rights from 16 to 17 February 2015 in Geneva. More...
MigraLingua – Training modules for community interpreters

MigraLingua – Training modules for community interpreters

26 November 2014 - 09 January 2015, Geneva, Switzerland
In the framework of the MigraLingua program (linguistic accompaniment of Non-french speaking migrants, ICVolunteers is looking for Community interpreters to participate to its training modules. More...
Découvrir la Psychologie Positive

Découvrir la Psychologie Positive

13 - 14 November 2014, Geneva, Switzerland
The conference "Découvrir la Psychologie Positive" was held from November 13th to November 14th, 2014 at the hotel N'vY Manotel in Geneva. More...
Click to Download crespo.pdf (1.8M)
KFH Information Day 2014

KFH Information Day 2014

Capacity building for development
14 November 2014, Geneva, Switzerland
Institutions and organizations working on development are focusing more and more on sustaining and promoting “Capacity Building” at individual, professional and organizational level in developing and transitional countries. More...
Click to Download infodayprogram.pdf (409.5K)
Geneva NGO Forum - Beijing+20

Geneva NGO Forum - Beijing+20

03 - 05 November 2014, Geneva, Switzerland
The 4th World Conference on Women (4WCW), convened in Beijing in 1995, was an historical occasion where UN Member States adopted the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BPfA). More...
Social Innovation and Ethics Forum 2014

Social Innovation and Ethics Forum 2014

22 - 24 October 2014, Geneva, Switzerland
The first edition of the Social Innovation and Global Ethics Forum (SIGEF 2014) will take place in Geneva, Switzerland from 22 to 24 October 2014 at the International Conference Center (CICG) in Geneva. More...
3rd ACTing for Elderly Meeting

3rd ACTing for Elderly Meeting

22 - 24 October 2014, Rome, Italy
The ACTing project partners will meet in Rome at the Fondazione Mondo Digitale premises for the 3rd project meeting. More...

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©1997-2025 ICVolunteers|design + programming mcart group|Updated: 2019-01-28 10:52 GMT|