We found thirty matches. "Speak to me, speak here!"Linguistic support for helping integration of migrants in Barcelona 30 November -1, Barcelona, Spain Like some of its neighbours in the South-West of Europe, Spain evolved from being a country of emigration to a country of immigration at the end of the Nineties. More... The first Congress of the Third Social Sector of Catalonia23 - 24 March 2007, Barcelona, Spain The first Congress of the Third Social Sector of Catalonia aims to be a key moment for discussion and exchange, looking at the main means that can improve the Third Social Sector. More... Réunion du Réseau Mondial pour la Diversité Linguistique19 - 20 February 2007, Barcelona, Spain Créé lors de la deuxième phase du Sommet Mondial sur la Société de l'Information, le Réseau Mondial pour la Diversité Linguistique est un réseau multiacteur abordant les questions liées à la diversité linguistique. More... Immigration: Labor Integration Guide10 - 21 January 2007, Barcelona, Spain Within the last 10 years, Spain evolved from being a country of emigration to a country of immigration. More... Volunteering without Borders03 April - 22 December 2006, Barcelona, Spain The European Voluntary Service (EVS) allows young people to volunteer in another country then their country of residence for the period of 6 months to a year. More... Volunteering without Borders03 April - 22 December 2006, Barcelona, Spain The European Voluntary Service (EVS) allows young people to volunteer in another country then their country of residence for the period of 6 months to a year. More... Launch of House of Languages11 July 2006, Barcelona, Spain Linguamón? House of Languages is a consortium involving the Government of Catalonia, the UNESCO Centre of Catalonia and the Universal Forum of Cultures Foundation, with the aim of promoting the world's languages as a. More... I Jornadas sobre Participación social y nuevas TecnologÃas: Cibervoluntariado y Ciberactivismo06 - 07 May 2005, AlmerÃa, Spain Objective. The main objectives of the Conference were to demonstrate the possibilities and experiences offered by new technologies. It also was aimed at encouraging the students of the University of Almeria to use these new tools, as well as to showing associations and social volunteer organizations that the use of new technologies can stimulate or even increase the participation of both members and volunteers. More... 18th IAVE World Volunteer Conference17 - 21 August 2004, Barcelona, Spain The 18th World Volunteer Conference of IAVE (International Assoocation for Volunteer Effort), at this occasion organized by FCVS (Federació Catalana de Voluntariat Social), was held in Barcelona from August 17-21 2004 within the framework of the FORUM de las Cultureas 2004. More... Photo Exhibition: "Something out of Nothing"Volunteerism and the Information Society, Crossroads between the North and the South... 09 - 12 December 2003, Geneva (Switzerland), Barcelona, Sevilla (Spain), Uganda, Mali, Shanghai (China) The exhibition "Something out of Nothing" provided a concrete illustration of the digital divide. More... Rescue Campaign for Birds threatened by Oil Disaster06 February - 06 May 2003, La Coruña - Galicia, Spain The Prestige, an oil tanker, sank after splitting in two in heavy weather about 200 kilometers (130 miles) northwest of the Spanish coast in November 2002. More... XIV International AIDS Conference07 - 12 July 2002, Barcelona, Spain The 12th World AIDS Conference took place in Geneva, Switzerland. More... Result page: « Previous 1 2 |