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ICVolunteers in Senegal

The CRESP (Center de Ressources pour l'Emergence Sociale Participative) Senegal is an ONG dedicated to the fight against hunger and poverty, working in the field of the sustainable local development, as well as preservation of the environment and of traditional wisdom in Africa. CRESP Senegal is an associate member of ICVolunteers. Read more...

We found nine matches.

Public debate on Pesticides and Farming Practices

Public debate on Pesticides and Farming Practices

09 October 2012, Guédé-Chantier, Senegal
A public debate and the screening of two documentaries took place in Guédé-Chantier, Sénégal, on 9 October 2012. More...
ICTs for Africa Roundtable

ICTs for Africa Roundtable

21 September 2012, Geneva, Switzerland
On 21st September 2012, delegates from European and African countries met at the occasion of two roundtables to discuss the meaningful use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). More...


‘GreenVoice’ aims to raise environmental awareness and promoting protection. More...
Click to Download greenvoice_en.pdf (77.5K) agriculture and ICTs agriculture and ICTs

Initiative for agriculture in the regions bordering the Sahara
Ce projet ETIC vise à fournir des outils et éléments de formation de sorte que les petits agriculteurs et les éleveurs puissent mieux vendre leurs produits. More...
Click to Download etic_en.pdf (147.6K)
Coordinator of ICV-Desk in Senegal

Coordinator of ICV-Desk in Senegal

02 February - 22 December 2007, Yoff, Dakar, Senegal
Designation: ICV Desk Coordinator (could be one or a team of 2 or 3 persons). More...
Africa@home: Volunteer Computing for Africa

Africa@home: Volunteer Computing for Africa

While you are sending an email or surfing the web, your computer could be helping to tackle one of Africa's greatest humanitarian challenges, malaria. More...

Africa@home: Worldwide computing resources to fight the malaria epidemiology

01 September 2005, Bamako, Yaoundé, Genève
Malaria causes about 500 million clinical attacks each year, and over a million deaths, mainly in sub-Saharan Africa. More...
Drumming in One World Beat

Drumming in One World Beat

19 March 2005, In many countries
Uniting the people of the global village. More...
International Symposium on Volunteering and Development of Capacity in the Information Society (ISV 2003)

International Symposium on Volunteering and Development of Capacity in the Information Society (ISV 2003)

23 - 25 October 2003, Dakar, Senegal
The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) -Geneva 2003 and Tunis 2005- will provide an opportunity to discuss issues raised by the emergence and current development of the Information Society. More...

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