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1st GreenVoice Environmental Video Contest

Photo © Lea Jaecklin
Photo © Lea Jaecklin
Article by Diego Beamonte, traduction française Camille Saadé
29 October 2011

ICVolunteers has been developing initiatives to raise awareness on social, humanitarian and environmental problems for over a decade.

For the past three years, the GreenVoice Program has gathered photos from multiple countries around the world, expressing different viewpoints on the environment and our planet. To date, the project has brought together over 1,000 images covering close to 100 countries, the most telling of which have been exhibited in different venues and galleries in Geneva and Barcelona.

In 2011, ICVolunteers is launching its new slogan, ‘Life is hands on’. Through our projects we want to emphasize how civil society and citizenship can contribute towards a better world through proactive activities.

For this 4th year of the GreenVoice Program, ICVolunteers is launching its 1st Call for Environmental Video.

Contest description:

Each participant must enter a video exposing an environmental problem in a specific region of their home country or another part of the world. The video must explain the issue, as well as the current initiatives to find a solution. Lastly, the participant shall offer his/her own low cost initiative to find an answer to the issue.

The best videos will enjoy the possibility of being shown at local summer theaters and during local summer film festivals.

Conditions for participation:

The requirements for the video are:

  • Length: 3-5 minutes
  • Format: PAL, NTSC, HDV, HD
  • File Types: .avi, .mov, .wmv, .mpg (mpeg-2 or 4), .mp4, .wav
  • Size limit: 1 GB
  • Min. Resolution: 720 x 576
  • Min. Aspect Ratio: 4:3 (16:9 Recommended)
  • Please do not send DVD’s with Video-TS and Audio-TS
  • Please do not send tapes!

The video should be accompanied by:

  • A short paragraph describing yourself (max. 50 words) including nationality, place of residence and age.
  • A longer paragraph (max. 100 words) describing the issue and solutions.

If you are interested and would like to participate, you can send your video the following ways:

By mail: ICVolunteers / ICVolontaires, 104, rue de Carouge PO Box 755, 1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland.


  1. Use, a really simple website to share files and videos. Once you have uploaded your video, send us an email with the download link, we will download it and let you know.
  2. Use, another really simple website to share files and videos. Once you have uploaded your video, send us an email with the access codes, we will download it and let you know.
  3. Use Contact us by email at once your video is ready to be uploaded, and we will give you access to our folder in so you can share your file with us.

If you have any other questions regarding the 1st GreenVoice Environmental Video Contest, or any other of our projects, do not hesitate to contact us at

Click on the link to learn more about GreenVoice.

©1997-2025 ICVolunteers|design + programming mcart group|Updated: 2019-01-28 10:52 GMT|