The Olympic Games highlighted the stakes China is facing and we hope that this will continue to exert pressure on the Chinese government to continue to improve human rights and the environment. China is still an emerging economy with work in progress and will not improve to the same standards as other developing countries overnight.
Mission Statements from participating schools
As opposed to a black and white view, there are many shades of grey representing the idea that some of the positive impacts that the Olympics had on Beijing and China also had their negative effects. (The Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa)
Il ne faut pas fermer les yeux sur les efforts de la Chine, mais ces efforts ne sont pas encore suffisants sur le plan national et international. Nous devons donc encourager la Chine de continuer sur ce chemin de progrès. (College de Staël)
Having discussed the impact of the Beijing Olympics on China we have come to the conclusion that the Beijing Olympics had a positive effect on the world's attitude towards the hidden gem that is China. (Collège du Léman)
Though insufficient, China has made an effort during the Olympic Games and only time will tell if they will keep up there effort. (Campus des Nations)
During the course of the 2008 Beijing Olympics, China has violated many human rights. However, this might have lead the way to a bigger appreciation of human rights and openness to the scrutiny/pressure from the rest of the world. (La Grande Boisière)
The Beijing Olympics affected China economically, environmentally, educationally and socially. However, it is still an emerging economy as well as a work in progress and will not improve to the same standards as other developing countries over night. (La Grande Boisière)