Sociologist – Universidad de Barcelona, Master of Arts in International Politics at the Universite Libre de Bruxelles, postgraduate on “Middle East†at the CESEDEN-Ministry of Defence, “Expert on Terrorism and Political Violence†at the Universidad de Granada, and following PhD. Specialization since 1998 in security-terrorism, Arab/Muslim world, Latin America, international politics, conflicts, and democratization processes. Collaborates with think tanks and academic centers: doing reports, master programs and conferences in universities, Diplomatic School, NGOs, and institutions of the Ministry of Defense, and at the ECEME in Brazil in 2013. Many researches and publications on these topics. Followed international courses and seminars, now as lecturer in universities and other institutions. Working since 2002 as observer-consultant for international organizations in conflict and post-conflict countries. Worked for EU-UN-OSCE-Carter Centre missions in Brussels, Guatemala, Palestinian territories, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Belarus, Nicaragua, East Timor, Ukraine, Sudan, Kyrgyzstan, Iraq, Italy, Tunisia, Brazil, Georgia. Also worked as advisor at the Spanish Ministry of Defence 2004-12, and as Program Manager of the Centre to Counter the Appeal of Terrorism of UNICRI-UN in 2010 in Italy. Advisory services in the field of security in risk areas, and collaborating with mass media. Ability to asses situations, political-security analysis, diplomatic relations at different levels, the dominance of the interview technique, and a strong background reporting, researching, coordination and deployment of teams and security-logistic operations in risk scenarios. Extensive experience writing reports, drafting, interviews with stakeholders, and dealing with all type of governments and authorities. National Award of the Ministry of Defense 2009, EU medals for the mission in Iraq.