Diploma of continued education, development and globalization

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

07 February - 29 April 2005, Geneva, Switzerland
Graduate Institute of Development Studies (IUED)


Graduate Institute of Development Studies

Project details

The DFD (Diploma of Continued Education in Development Studies) fits in perfectly with the long tradition and philosophy of the IUED (Institute for Development Studies), which is to offer courses in continuing education. To date, the IUED has provided courses that respond to the training requirements of development professionals, from both developing countries and developed countries, who work in the public sector and NGOs (both national and international); in aid and development agencies; and in applied training and research foundations.

This specific course, includes a critical analysis of:

  • obstacles, opportunities and assets in both specific and general contexts;
  • questions of governance, and the changing role of the State and of private and NGO sector actors;
  • international trends and the characteristics of the dominant model of development;
  • the relationship between economic development engendered by growth and human development brought about by social factors;
  • the link between local development and the larger, overall context.

This course is aimed at professionals working in the field of development, who hold positions of responsibility in public or private sector institutions and whose decisions have an impact at local, regional or national levels. When called upon to take decisions affecting the public at large, these individuals are often faced with dilemmas of an economic, sociological, political, anthropological or ecological nature, which may be beyond their own particular area of professional competence. The training course does not claim to turn the participants into specialists in all the fields mentioned, but simply to allow them to gain a better general understanding of the interdependence of these phenomena, so as to enable them to carry out a multidisciplinary analysis of issues and, if necessary, to empower them to call upon specialists in these fields should they identify the need to do so.

Role of ICVolunteers

We are looking for volunteer interpreters who have a special interest in development issues and might wish to participate in the diploma class for the entire period. We offer possibilities for volunteers from Southern countries to take part in the project.

The selection will be made based on a CV and candidates must have training and experience in interpretation for at least two of the following languages: French, English and Spanish. By participating actively in the whole course, interpreters will obtain a certificate from IUED attesting their participation and work as an interpreter.

External links


Jobs / Internships

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