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Acute Cardiovascular Care 2014

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

17 - 20 October 2014, Geneva, Switzerland
International Conference Center of Geneva (CICG)


Acute Cardiovascular Care Association (ACCA)

Project details

The Third Annual Congress of the Acute Cardiovascular Care Association will bring together both young cardiologists and renowned experts around its main theme: “Highly vulnerable patient”. 

The congress will cover a wide range of specialties through a large range of topics: Acute heart failure, Arrhythmias, Nursing, Pre-Hospital care, Cardiac surgery and more. Through its multidisciplinary approach the congress will get you up to date on  the latest news, findings and technologies in the field of acute cardiovascular care. Recent advances in the management of the highly vulnerable patient will be presented and shared.

With more than 40 high quality scientific sessions main symposia, how to sessions, workshops, discussions, case sessions and more, the congress is THE place to be for exchanging, learning and networking.

You can find more information on the website of European Society for Cardiology:

Volunteering Opportunities

We are looking for English and French speaking, motivated, dynamic and communicative volunteers to be involved in various services. If you are interested and are not yet registered with ICV, please sign up. Further, please send your CV to conference [at]

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